Priroda Agricultural Holding Company
, Rostov-on-Don
Head of Law Department
United States (State of New York)
Experience as counsel
Acted as counsel for 5-10 years in international arbitrations
ICC Rules
SCC Rules
SIAC Rules
ICSID Convention
Examples of cases
• Representation of an owner in a SIAC arbitration regarding the construction of an LNG plant (Australian law);
• Representation of the government of Georgia in an arbitration brought under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules pursuant to the 1996 Georgia-Kazakhstan BIT and the Energy Charter Treaty in relation to a dispute over the regulation of gas tariffs (international law);
• Representation of the government of Georgia in a pending SCC and ICSID arbitrations brought by a major Russian energy company in relation to a dispute over electricity tariffs (international law, Georgian law);
• Representation of an owner in an ICC arbitration regarding the construction of an airport in the Middle East (English law);
• Representation of an owner in an ICC arbitration regarding the construction of a nuclear power plant (Finnish law);
• Representation of a major player in continental Europe's retail property market in an ICC arbitration regarding tax consequences of the acquisition of shopping center properties in Central Europe (French law).
quantum (damages) experts
construction experts
legal experts, industry experts
General arbitration experience
English law
French law
Australian law, Georgian Law, Finnish law
сonstruction arbitrations
investment arbitration
commercial arbitration
Has been involved in mediation as counsel
ICC Russia, RAA - application pending
Education, qualifications, awards
University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Juris Doctor, Honors: cum laude, 2014
Université Paris Cergy, Master 2, Honors: Mention bien, 2014, French and European Business and Taxation Law
University of Pittsburgh School of Law, LL.M, Honors: cum laude, 2014
Rostov State University, Specialist, Honors: With distinction, 2006, Specialization in Civil law
Teaching International Arbitration in the University Paris Cergy since 2015
Preferences as an arbitrator
no general preference
IBA Rules
no general preference
no general preference
no general preference
Maximum deference to the right to present the party’s case
Rigorous control of the process by the tribunal
If it is a legal issue or an important factual issue
Arbitrators should encourage parties to settle the dispute including by making inquiries and/or steps such as encouraging participation of in-house counsel or management in hearings
Personal preferences
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoi
I do not like movies about lawyering
Travel (used to be), cooking
Other information
- Co-editing a book on the governing law and dispute resolution mechanisms in international oil & gas contracts (due for publication in 2021);
- ICC Commission Report: Construction Industry Arbitrations Recommended Tools and Techniques for Effective Management, Commission on Arbitration and ADR, 2019 Update (Member of the working group under the joint leadership of Aisha Nadar and Christopher Seppälä)
- “To What Extent Do Arbitral Tribunals Take into Account Public Policy in the Jurisdictions of Prospective Enforcement of an Award? An Analysis of ICC Awards” (Co-author with Charles Nairac and Manu Thadikkaran).