United States (State of New Jersey, State of New York)
Experience as counsel
Acted as counsel for 11-15 years in international arbitrations
LCIA Rules
SCC Rules
JAMS, Swiss Rules
Examples of cases
Former partner v CIS client; claim for breach of settlement from partnership buyout; San Francisco seat; California law; JAMS Arbitration Rules; USD 400 mln.
Intra-corporate conflict between shareholders of a major Russian metals company related to interconnected transactions; London seat; English law; LCIA Rules; USD 40+bln.
Major leasing company v Russian client airline; non-payment of lease payments; London seat; English law; LCIA Rules; approx. USD 30 mln.
Companies affiliated with client major Russian metals company v Central Asian affiliated companies; supply of and non-payment for raw materials, including allegations of corruption; Zurich and Stockholm seats; Swiss law; SCC and Swiss Rules; approx. USD 400 mln.
Client metal manufacturer v Danish equipment supplier; supply of defective equipment; Stockholm seat; Danish law; SCC Rules; approx. USD 2 mln.
quantum (damages) experts
metallurgical experts, asset tracing experts, foreign law experts
General arbitration experience
Geneva and/or Zurich
San Francisco
English law
Swiss law
Danish law, California law
Education, qualifications, awards
Seton Hall University School of Law, Juris Doctor, Honors: Honor Council, 2010
Rutgers University, Bachelor of Arts, Honors: Magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 2007
Best Lawyers Russia - 2019-2021 - International Arbitration
Preferences as an arbitrator
Preference depends on the seat of arbitration.
no general preference
no general preference
no general preference
Maximum deference to the right to present the party’s case
Rigorous control of the process by the tribunal
Only if it is a legal issue the arbitrators may wish to have submissions on
Arbitrators should encourage parties to settle the dispute including by making inquiries and/or steps such as encouraging participation of in-house counsel or management in hearings